The first step in the MNEMONICS MEDIA process is to get to know you along with your team and to truly understand your business.

Ideally this would include time spent in person to both observe and hold discovery sessions. If spending time on-site isn’t possible; a mixture of email, phone and Zoom conference sessions will be employed.

The intention of this phase is to gain firsthand in-depth insight on:

  • Immediate needs and goals
  • Long term plans and ideals
  • Current team and processes
  • Challenges and pain points
  • Competitive landscape
  • Inspirational companies/brands

To ensure success, this early stage will require dedicated time and input from you and your team. Depending on the specific requirements and your goals, the required time investment will be communicated at the kick off for the project.


Armed with all of the information from the first phase, the next step in the MNEMONICS MEDIA process is to put together the recommended approach, overall plan and project timelines.

Based on your goals, discovery session outcomes and the needs of your clients; a recommended plan and necessary resources will be presented. This will include trusted freelancers if they are required. Once the plan is agreed upon and approved, a detailed project workback will also be created. This document will serve as the roadmap for the project with all parties signing off on overall timelines and specific deadlines up front. This is the key to keeping the project on track for delivery as promised.


The final phase of the process is for MNEMONICS MEDIA to deliver….on time and on budget! This will be achieved utilizing the detailed workback, various tools and the commitment from everyone involved.

Each project will be broken into stages with revisions and sign offs happening throughout. These touch points as well as regular communication/updates will help to ensure everything remains on track. Regular and thorough testing by the project team (also externally if required) is also an important component of this phase. This will ensure that upon launch, your clients enjoy the best possible experience.

Whether you need help with your website, social media, content production or strategy; let's work together to make your digital project memorable!